Monday, October 29, 2018

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Mike Luckovich

Mike Luckovich for Jul 8, 2018 Comic Strip
Mike Luckovich - July 8

These two political cartoons speak to how I feel about the current White House; illustrating how stupid and also how cruel our president is.

Mike Luckovich for Jul 4, 2018 Comic Strip
Mike Lukovich - July 4th 

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Garden


So it's obviously been a while since I posted on the blog, I mostly post on Instagram, it's easier from my phone. I have been over the moon with the garden this spring. Some of the things I planted late in 2016, or early in 2017 really came into their own this year.

The Lupines were planted last spring from seed, but I got started too late in the game for them to bloom at all last year, but I was okay with it knowing that the plants were gaining in size and healthy. They did not disappoint me and I was rewarded for my patience.

The Delphiniums are going gang-busters, growing at least a foot taller than they were last year. The mini Rainbow's End climbing roses have been the most spectacular transformation from last year. I got them as small, what I thought were bush roses, and they barely bloomed in 2017. My friend Marisa is who clued me in to the the fact that they were actually climbing roses, so I got the two trellises in the fall and holy cow, they are just covered in blooms this year. My camera doesn't even begin to capture their glory, they are truly stunning in person.

The story on the rhody is that it came from my landlord's son Andy, and we had no idea what color it was going to bloom until it did. Andy has his own lawncare/landscape business, and at the request of a homeowner, removed this older bush from their yard, and he gave it to my landlord's Susan and Lester to plant on the property line on the side of my house. We were all thrilled when it turned out to be these vivid violet blooms. 

I got the Clematis last year from Kent's Garden & Nursery and it really took off, and is going to fill in nicely. Susan and I scattered the poppy seeds around the big evergreen in the back and they are so bright and cheerful. The pink peony I planted last year is blooming right now, and got the Coral Charm peony at Joe's Garden's a month ago and only got one bloom, but I am hoping that it also does better in it's second year.

So there we are, this is pretty much my life now, spending as much time around the flower garden as I can, it's my little oasis, hanging out with the birds, the bees, the flowers and the kitties
Rainbow's End Mini Rose



California Poppies


Sarah Berndhart Peony

Coral Charm Peony

Sunday, March 18, 2018

#Me Too, Now What?

In February, a new limited series debuted on PBS called #Me Too, Now What? and it has been very thought provoking. There are five 30 minute episodes, and if you didn't happen to catch them when they aired, the links below will take you to the website to watch them all.

Executive editor and host Zainab Salbi goes beyond the headlines about sexual harassment to ask how we got here and how we move forward. All episodes now streaming.

St. Patrick's Day

I saw this article yesterday on The Detroit Free Press online. Dan Margulis created this social experiment to bring attention to the issue of immigration by going back to the past when Irish were treated like a plague on America. Unfortunately the people that really need to have their eyes opened, will just sneer at this. 

Today's Pearls Before Swine

Pearls Before Swine - March 18 2018

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Mount Baker

Mount Baker

I don't have a high enough quality camera to really capture colors as beautiful as they are, but here is Mount Baker right around sunset tonight. There was a band of clouds halfway on the horizon that were picking up the setting sun and were this beautiful pink that was coloring everything else, it was just so beautiful. Of course now that the clouds are clearing off it's stinkin' cold out there, so I'm glad I'm inside!