Thursday, September 18, 2014

What A Day

I took today off work for a doctor's appointment, and glad that I took the whole day, because I ended up fainting when they were drawing blood, and was there for almost another hour getting back to normal so I could leave.

When I got home I changed back in to my P.J.'s, climbed into bed, and thankfully fell to sleep pretty quickly and slept for a hour and half. But my stomach has been upset almost the whole rest of the day. It's weird I feel sick and hungry at the same time, I hope that feeling is gone by tomorrow morning.

After developing hyperthyroidism about 15 years ago, I had to go through about 2 years of treatment and get my blood drawn every single month and I never fainted. I don't really like needles, but I learned to deal with it. Today the gal was having a hard time getting the vein, and the needle was hurting my arm and then she had to pull it out and start over again, and I started to feel anxious I guess, and immediately felt nauseous. I said out loud that I think that I needed some water, and then passed out.

It's so weird to technically only be out of it for less than a minute, but still manage to have a dream that I suddenly come out of, and they are saying my name. It's extremely embarrassing to come to and have several people fussing over you. What a day.

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