Saturday, February 23, 2013

This 'n That

Just a quick post of this cool GIF I found on Cheezburger.
Nothing too exciting going on with me. I spent all last Sunday evening watching the last two episodes of Downton Abbey. I knew about the spoiler alert that Matthew was going to be killed off, I just didn't know how. It was still sad. I've really enjoyed this series, but I honestly think that probably the next season should be it's last.
The water department installed the new water meter for the house yesterday. They tore up the grass in the front strip in the process - really ticked me off. We had a downpour yesterday and the big truck they must have used left two big ruts. Their muddy track prints were all up on the sidewalk. That's going to be loads of fun to mow from now on. I felt like taking pictures and writing a letter to the city, but I know they wouldn't do anything about it.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa - that makes me dizzy!

    And, you SHOULD absolutely call the city and complain about the ruts in your lawn, they have to come fix them. Fill dirt and grass seed. I'd be adamant. I'd say to tell them it's causing run-off but then they'd come spread straw all over your yard - NOT - ha ha T.
