Sunday, August 10, 2014

Seeds of Peace International Camp

On NBC Nightly News this past week there was a feature story about Seeds of Peace International Camp in Maine that brought together teens from Israel and Gaza during the current conflict.

This is my first post about it, but the war going on currently is on my mind almost daily. If I am remembering correctly, this latest outbreak of war started with the abduction and murder, first of 3 Israeli teenage boys and then a Palestinian boy as retaliation. And I remember thinking that retaliation and religious intolerance is the mindset that makes virtually every conflict that is never ending, never ending.

Back when I was still in high school I think, I saw a segment on 60 Minutes about the conflict in Northern Ireland. I remember this part where these kids that were elementary school age, probably 2nd grade, throwing rocks at British soldiers. It really hit me (pardon the pun) the aspect of attitudes being passed on from one generation to another, and how until people chose to break the pattern, things never change.

In one part of the NBC segment where they are interviewing the teenagers at the camp, they are referring to each other as the enemy and that is a real sad thing to hear. I've unfortunately felt that there will never be peace in the middle east in my lifetime. Israel absolutely has the right to defend itself, but they are killing Palestinian civilians by the thousands and why would anyone want to make peace with them when that is happening. The insanity needs to end.

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