Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 2012 Snowstorm

The view to the south out the living room window.
Thankfully today was my last furlough day and I could stay inside. I think there is an accumulation since Sunday evening of about 8 inches of snow at the house. I was watching the news at 3pm and our temperature was 19 degrees, and with the windchill factored in, 3 degrees! I was stunned by the 80-100 mph winds they had on the Oregon coast.
I am not looking forward to going out in it tomorrow morning. I can't wait for it to warm up and start raining on Friday.
I did not let any of the cats go out in this. TomCat is sitting at the door right now, but it's just too cold. Last night I had let him out and he was fine on the porch, and then a neighborhood dog chased him into the back yard and under the deck. I had to really work at coaxing him out and back in to the house.

Woody is checking out the snow from the living room.
I baked some peanut butter cookies this afternoon to take to work. I experimented and added butterscotch chips to half the batch and chocolate chips to the other half. The butterscotch flavor works great with peanut butter. I am frustrated that they seemed to over-bake again; I've got to fine tune my timing, they are sensitive to that.
Last night's episode of The Mercer Report on CBC, had Rick going to St. John's Newfoundland to the set of 'Republic of Doyle' with Allan Hawco. He had a blast driving the GTO. As usual it was a kick in the pants. The second episode of the new season of 'Doyle' is on tonight, can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Our cats had cabin fever, but were willing to stay inside - but when they did go out, I kept a close eye on the cat door to make sure it didn't freeze so they couldn't get back in! I think we've had enough winter!!! T.
