Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Jon Stewart Show

In a previous post I was referring to some comments by Rick Santorum that scared the crap out of me. The first clip contains those comments, and Jon Stewart dives in and exposes the insanity. But don't worry, Mitt Romney gets to show who he is at heart too. (The second clip is a continuation of the first).

Mitt Romney strangely referred to himself as 'severely' conservative; and I think Rick Santorum is 'scary' conservative. My concern is not that both of them are men of strong faith, but that they only really care about people of the same faith as themselves. They aren't concerned about humanity in general. Along with Newt Gingrich, they have basically demonized anyone that isn't conservative, and then somehow expect that everyone they've insulted along the way is going to vote for them in the general election. They are all trying to 'out-conservative' each other, clamoring to appeal to Republican voters as if that is the only group that will be voting in November. I guess they are counting on independent voters to not be paying attention.
There have been some outrageous comments from everyone but Ron Paul for the most part. And either they will stand by them 100%, or they will backtrack in damage control mode. But the reality is that the first thing that comes out of their mouth is really how they think, and that's the scary part.

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