Sunday, July 14, 2013

RAID - Salvation in a Can

So when I went to Haggen today for groceries I had wasp - yellow jacket spray on my shopping list. It was obviously on a lot of other people's shopping lists too. I literally had to get down on my hands and knees to grab the last can at the back of the bottom shelf where they keep it. Honestly, for this time of year they should have a prominent display at the front of the store....

But I was bound and determined to bring some home, because after being stung four times last Sunday, I was super paranoid going out the back door.
I waited until dark like they suggest (and had my flashlight in the other hand too). I had to interrupt watching Endeavour on Masterpiece Mystery, because it wasn't dark until around 9:30. So while I was missing watching a little murder and mayhem on PBS, I was committing some of my own outside.

I'm glad I had my Maglite flaslight to see under the eaves of the roof, I found several more nests than I expected, and I soaked them pretty good. I think I used almost half the can.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I  was successful -

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